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High Tempature heat resistant powder coating

High temperature resistant powder coatings are very rugged and suitable for a wide range of applications. With the use of heat-resistant coatings for items such as barbecue appliances, fireplaces, and mufflers, the use of powder coatings is becoming more widespread. Our high temperature powder coatings are comparable to many proven liquid coatings, even in the most demanding applications where heat resistance is critical.
Product Description

High temperature resistant powder coatings are very rugged and suitable for a wide range of applications. With the use of heat-resistant coatings for items such as barbecue appliances, fireplaces, and mufflers, the use of powder coatings is becoming more widespread. Our high temperature powder coatings are comparable to many proven liquid coatings, even in the most demanding applications where heat resistance is critical.画板-1_02

The powder coatings meet the requirements of high temperature applications from 200 ° C  to 600 ° C.

The use of thermally stable silicone polymers gives these powder coatings high temperature resistance.  The higher the content of silicone, the better the high temperature resistance of the product, because other organic polymers may degrade at high temperatures, but only the silicone can remain stable: it is obvious that the higher the silicone content, the thermal stability of the coating The stronger the sex.



Various colors and special effects:

A variety of colors and effects are available.


Use occasion:

Suitable for steel, cast iron, aluminum, cast aluminum and aluminized steel.

It is recommended for products that require long-term exposure to metal parts ranging from 200oC  to 600 oC , such as:

Furnace, wood or briquettes, fireplace products

Exhaust system (eg stove exhaust pipe)

Barbecue appliance

Lighting equipment

Muffler loaded on generators, motorcycles, tractors


Gloss and color stability

no loss of light / fading after heating

Excellent adhesion

Excellent resistance to cracking

Higher scratch resistance (compared to liquid coating)

Single coating system

Of course,  high temperature powder coatings are also sustainable because they contain no solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


Substrate pretreatment

As with most coatings, proper substrate preparation is critical to the performance of the product used at high temperatures, especially adhesion. Obviously, what pre-treatment process you use depends on the substrate you are spraying – sandblasting is sufficient for some applications. However, the substrate must be free of grease, scale, rust, and stains, regardless of the object being sprayed. We strongly recommend that you conduct tests to determine if the pre-treatment and spray processes meet your application requirements.


Spraying and curing method

It can be sprayed using normal electrostatic equipment (45-65 μm film). For non-metallic powders, the recovery can be as high as 20%. The curing time is as follows (workpiece temperature)

>20 minutes, 210 °C

>15 minutes, 220 °C

>10 minutes, 230°C (HT003 only)

The powder can be stored for 12 months at < 27 °C.

